
Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2024-12-16

LDAP RCE 😵, (@orange_8361 + @_splitline_) Grok AI vulns (@wunderwuzzi23), automating exploits (@FuzzySec + @chompie1337), and more!

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the past week. This post covers 2024-12-09 to 2024-12-16.


Techniques and Write-ups

Tools and Exploits

  • KrakenMask - Sleep obfuscation.
  • RustSoliloquy - A Rust implementation of Internal-Monologue — retrieving NetNTLM hashes without touching LSASS, leveraging SSPI for NTLM negotiation and indirect NTAPIs for core operations.
  • Shrike - Hunting and injecting RWX 'mockingjay' DLLs in pure nim
  • Sickle - Payload development framework.
  • burpference - A research project to add some brrrrrr to Burp.
  • DCOMUploadExec - DCOM Lateral movement POC abusing the IMsiServer interface - uploads and executes a payload remotely.
  • delepwn - DelePwn is a security assessment tool designed to identify and demonstrate the risks associated with Google Workspace Domain-Wide Delegation (DWD) misconfigurations in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) environments. This tool helps security professionals and administrators evaluate their organization's exposure to potential DWD-based attacks.
  • Svartalfheim - Stage 0 Shellcode to Download a Remote Payload and Execute it in Memory.

New to Me and Miscellaneous

This section is for news, techniques, write-ups, tools, and off-topic items that weren't released last week but are new to me. Perhaps you missed them too!

  • apache-vulnerability-testing - Apache HTTP Server Vulnerability Testing Tool | PoC for CVE-2024-38472 , CVE-2024-39573 , CVE-2024-38477 , CVE-2024-38476 , CVE-2024-38475 , CVE-2024-38474 , CVE-2024-38473 , CVE-2023-38709.
  • rustlualoader - Shellcode loader that executes embedded Lua from Rust.
  • SmmInfect - The project aims to bring the capabilities of SMM x86-64(System Management Mode) to usermode through a backdoor.
  • cinelog - Comprehensive logging of all terminal input and output for each session based on Asciinema and wild zsh + Python scripting.
  • saladcat - A distributed hashcat implementation using Salad Cloud and Hashtopolis
  • markitdown - Python tool for converting files and office documents to Markdown.
  • pytune - Pytune is a post-exploitation tool for enrolling a fake device into Intune with mulitple platform support.
  • Evil-M5Core2 - Evil-M5Project is an innovative tool developed for ethical testing and exploration of WiFi networks. It's compatible with Cardputer, Atoms3, Fire, core2. You can scan, monitor, and interact with WiFi networks in a controlled environment. This project is designed for educational purposes, aiding in understanding network security and vulnerabilities.

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing.