Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2025-01-20
Windows LPE (@MrAle_98), CLR OPSEC (@passthehashbrwn), WinRM BOFs (@falconforceteam), Bitlocker bypass (@Neodyme), BloodHound CLI (@cmaddalena), and more!
Windows LPE (@MrAle_98), CLR OPSEC (@passthehashbrwn), WinRM BOFs (@falconforceteam), Bitlocker bypass (@Neodyme), BloodHound CLI (@cmaddalena), and more!
A Windows Rootkit (@colehouston44), unholy PDFs (@thomasrinsma), more Ivanti RCE (@SinSinology), macOS exploits (@patch1t + @MsftSecIntel + @wh1te4ever), and more!
Kick off 2025 with, fresh news, new exploits, techniques, tools, and more!
LDAP RCE 😵, (@orange_8361 + @_splitline_) Grok AI vulns (@wunderwuzzi23), automating exploits (@FuzzySec + @chompie1337), and more!
Vuln finding with graphs (@two06), review of Postex kit (@_RastaMouse), OpenWRT firmware upgrade vuln (@ryotkak), iOS decompilation tool (@lauriewired), and more!
Windows LPE (@SecuriTeam_SSD), Nighthawk 0.3.3 (@MDSecLabs), Advanced Cobalt Strike Usage (@_RastaMouse), Webcam LED control (@andreyknvl), AI/ML attacks (@olivier_boschko), and more!
Sitecore Exploit (@assetnote + @plopz0r), CI/CD CTF (@MagisterQuis), new Mythic agent (@silentwarble), cmake based win32 shellcode template (@ilove2pwn_), and more!
Arc browser RCE (@RenwaX23), more Fortinet woes (@SinSinology), PowerHuntShares v2 (@_nullbind), make_token_cert (@freefirex2), BOFs without DFR (@netbiosX), and more!
🕵️📱 Mysterious iPhone reboots, Tor under attack, Citrix Unauth RCE (@SinSinology), GitHub Actions attack (@adnanthekhan), and more!
WAF bypasses (@MDSecLabs), sastsweep (@_chebuya), Early Cascade injection (@DaWouw), and more!