
Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2024-12-09

Vuln finding with graphs (@two06), review of Postex kit (@_RastaMouse), OpenWRT firmware upgrade vuln (@ryotkak), iOS decompilation tool (@lauriewired), and more!

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the past week. This post covers 2024-12-02 to 2024-12-09.


  • U.S. officials urge Americans to use encrypted apps amid unprecedented cyberattack - "Encryption is your friend, whether it’s on text messaging or if you have the capacity to use encrypted voice communication" is not a sentence I would expect from the notoriously encryption unfriendly FBI. To be fair the quote is from Jeff Green, executive assistant director for cybersecurity at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, but the article said that Jeff and, "a senior FBI official who asked not to be named" recommend using encryption.
  • Beacon Object File (BOF) Development Course - The first on-demand course from Trusted Sec, this course looks like a good one stop shop for BOF knowledge.
  • LLMail-Inject: Adaptive Prompt Injection Challenge - Microsoft invites you to try your hand at prompt injecting a simulated LLM-integrated email client. The goal is to get the email client to execute commands the email client "user" did not intend.
  • Mitigating NTLM Relay Attacks by Default - Microsoft is enabling Extended Protection for Authentication (EPA) by default for Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) as well as the Light-Weight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) service. NTLM is viewed as a legacy protocol, and is being phased out. Get those relay attacks in while you can!
  • Library of Leaks - Distributed Denial of Secrets (DDoSecrets), a non-profit whistleblower organization, is commemorating its sixth anniversary with the unveiling of a search engine: the Library of Leaks. This searchable database provides access to millions of documents from numerous leaks, with an new entries being added daily.

Techniques and Write-ups

Tools and Exploits

  • snapinject_rs - A process injection using process snapshotting based on SnapLoader, in rust.
  • NativeBypassCredGuard - Bypass Credential Guard by patching WDigest.dll using only NTAPI functions. More info in the blog post.
  • CryptDecryptMemory - A proof of concept that encrypts memory using CryptProtectMemory with the CRYPTPROTECTMEMORY_SAME_PROCESS flag, and then decrypts it without calling the API again. Must be run with SeDebugPrivilege. See the blog post for more details.
  • superdeye - Indirect Syscall with TartarusGate Approach in Go
  • QoL-BOFs - Curated list of public Beacon Object Files(BOFs) build in as submodules for easy cloning
  • Rusty-Telephone - Exfiltrate data over audio output from remote desktop sessions - Covert channel PoC
  • LexiCrypt - Shellcode encryptor using a substitution cipher with a randomly generated key.
  • BootExecuteEDR - Boot Execute allows native applications—executables with the NtProcessStartup entry point and dependencies solely on ntdll.dll—to run prior to the complete initialization of the Windows operating system. This occurs even before Windows services are launched. Historically, attackers have exploited this mechanism as a rudimentary persistence method. However, utilizing this feature requires administrative privileges, both to modify the corresponding registry key and to place the executable within the %SystemRoot%System32 directory.
  • Malimite - iOS Decompiler.

New to Me and Miscellaneous

This section is for news, techniques, write-ups, tools, and off-topic items that weren't released last week but are new to me. Perhaps you missed them too!

  • SnafflerParser - Parses Snaffler output file and generate beautified outputs.
  • c_syscalls - Single stub direct and indirect syscalling with runtime SSN resolving for windows.
  • EntraTokenAid - A pure PowerShell solution for Entra OAuth authentication, enabling easy retrieval of access and refresh tokens
  • PANIX - Customizable Linux Persistence Tool for Security Research and Detection Engineering.
  • TJ-OPT - This repo contains a pentesting template used in PWK and for current assessments. The template has been formatted to be used in Obsidian.
  • crxaminer - Examine Chrome extensions for security issues.
  • WinDepends - Windows Dependencies.

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing.